Categories: iPhone

iPhone ケース

10年以上も前になるけど、その頃出たばかりの iPod shuffle がとても欲しかったけど買えないでいたので、愛犬小春にiPod shuffle で音楽を聴かせる写真を作って気を紛らわせて、flickrに投稿して遊んでいた。

apple好きな人は良く覚えているだろうけど、パステルカラーを背景に、白い iPod shuffleで音楽を聴きながら踊る黒いシルエットの人物が印象的だったCMにインスピレーションを受けて(というよりパクリだねw)。

iPhone 6 Plus を買ってしばらくむき出しで使っていたんだけど、石の上に落としたのでやっぱりケースに入れて使う事にした。










View Comments (4)

  • Tamaki-san,
    While sitting and listening to Kodo in Berkeley last night, I was thinking about the Japanese influences on my life, and that is when I had a sinking feeling when I realized I had not seen any posts from you on Facebook lately. Admitadly, I do not understand most of your posts due to my limited language skills, but I think I do get a sense of what you've posted, be it political or art related. I did get a sense of relief when I saw that you have posted recently on your blog. I hope all is well with you and your family. It's good to know that you are still a part of this planet!

    Best wishes,
    Chris Humphrey

    • Hello, Chris Humphrey!
      Thank you for your comment!!!
      I should make something by stone and wood, and repair my house and do many things now, so I can't spend the time in Facebook.
      And it's difficult to explain, when I am falling into creative mode, I don't like internet.
      ...and this blog is my diary, so I'm trying to keep writing only this :D

      Sorry my poor English. I want to speak with you in Japanese :D
      I'm all is well, thank you and I hope all is well with you and your family!

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